What is a conflict?
What does the word 'conflict' actually mean? It originates from the Latin confligere, which means 'to clash' or 'to collide'. This implies that something is coming together or colliding, specifically the differences between people.
According to conflict expert Friedrich Glasl, an interpersonal conflict is: "An interaction (i.e., the parties are involved with each other and are generally dependent on each other in some way) where there are incompatibilities that are experienced as an emotional disturbance by at least one of the parties."
We focus particularly on the aspect of emotional disturbance. After all, conflicts are fundamentally about feelings and emotions.

conflict management
​why conflict management?
​Conflicts within a company can negatively impact the performance and health of the affected employees. Therefore, conflicts should be addressed and resolved early. In conflict management, leaders play a crucial role in preventing the negative consequences of conflicts for the organization.
What We Offer
​We provide conflict management workshops with a balanced mix of theory, practical examples, a platform for participant exchange, and direct application of tools through role-playing.
How the Conflict Management Workshop Works
​Preparation (approx. 2-3 weeks prior):
Survey participants about a current personal conflict and a team conflict.
Participants may also submit their own questions or topic requests if needed.
Identification of one's conflict type ('Harmony Lovers' vs. 'Conflict Jumpers') including reflection.
Explanation of the term 'conflict' and delivery of knowledge about types of conflicts and conflict issues (theory).
Introduction to the 'Conflict Escalation' and 'Conflict De-escalation' models by Friedrich Glasl.
Presentation and practice of coaching exercises, such as the 'Meta Mirror' to strengthen perspective-taking and comprehensive conflict analysis.
Introduction to approaches for conducting personal conflict conversations and moderating conflict discussions.
Direct application of the presented approaches and tools in small groups through role-playing.​​​
Summary of workshop content (Reading Box).
Sending out tasks and exercises to deepen the learning.
How Your Employees Will Benefit
They understand what a 'conflict' is.
They become familiar with known approaches, models, and methods of conflict management.
They learn many best and worst practice examples from real conflicts.
They actively exchange ideas with other company participants about conflict management in general and specific conflicts in confidential small groups.
They gain new insights into conflict management for themselves and their teams.
They directly apply the tools demonstrated through role-playing.